Monday 16 March 2009

Healing in Tantric Massage

One of the most important thing we can do as therapists and healers is to bear witness: to hold a non-judgmental but discerning space for the person. We need to be able to discern what would help them (a touch, an action, a holding, a medicine, a kind word, an observation, humour, etc ), but we cannot be judgmental, for judgment limits and constrains where healing needs room for natural expansion. Bearing witness means being able to see things as they are, not as we wish they would be, or we think they should be, and to "hold space" compassionately for whatever arises. Much of the work of a healer lies in being present to another, not frightened by their emotions, not closed down, not colluding, not withholding - just being present.

The empathic witnessing by a therapist is in itself a reparative, healing, relationship. In therapeutic bodywork and tantric massage a male therapist can provide the quality of touch and presence that can restore health in mind, body and soul. The quality of this presence will also create safety and in this safe space healing can happen.

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