Monday, 13 April 2009

Women's Health Benefits Of Tantra

Tantra and sexual union is usually thought of in terms of the intimacy - and sheer enjoyment- that it brings. But there are biological reasons that sex is good for your general well being. A woman’s health benefits of Tantric massage and sex range from antidepressant to weight loss, mood stabilizer to smell enhancer.

Sex can have many effects on the mental states of those involved due to the hormones that surge during (and after) the event. Sex can relieve stress and lower blood pressure. A sex life that includes sessions at least once a week increases the levels of a certain antibody that can help fight off colds and infections.

Another hormone that has big effects on a woman’s health benefits through touch and tantric massage or sex is oxytocin, which is released in the body - particularly during orgasm. Oxytocin creates a feeling of bonding and trust and can lead to feelings of nurture and generosity. It also improves the quality of sleep - a great alternative method to those sleep medications. When oxytocin surges, so do endorphins. An increase in endorphins has proven to increase pain tolerance. More abstract ways that sex can be beneficial includes an improved sense of smell. This is brought about by the hormone prolactin. This hormone has also been shown to reduce depression in women.

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