Thursday 19 April 2012

Are you this woman?

“Woman is the Creator of the Universe, the Universe is her form.
Woman is the foundation of the world....
There is no prayer equal to a woman,
There is not, nor has been, nor will be any yoga to compare with a woman,
no mystical formula nor asceticism to match a woman” (Shakti-Sangama Tantra II.52)

 “A man should meditate upon his female companion
As an embodiment of your [Vajrayogini’s] form,
Until intense practice produces
Clear, direct vision...
He should continuously worship Vajrayogini…
With palms pressed together.
He should gaze, touch and contemplate [her]…
Physically if he can, or mentally and verbally if he cannot…
I am identical to the bodies of all women, and
There is no way that I can be worshipped
Except by the worship of women…
Women are heaven, women are dharma (truth); women are the supreme fire of transformation. Women are Buddha; women are the sangha (community); women are the Perfection of Wisdom...”
(Candamaharosana-tantra, circa 8th century CE)
Are you this woman?  
Knowing or not, every woman has the potential to become a Goddess.  Tantra and tantric bodywork is potentially the best pathway to help a woman in the quest to reclaim her unique perfect divine femine self and regain her  status as a Goddess.
To phrase it differently - tantra challenges a woman to recognise her own divinity, while it requires a man to purify his vision and approach women with a deferential behaviour...