Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Tantric Touch - the divine feminine

From its inception, Tantra was radical as it challenged the Indian caste system by its inclusiveness. Moreover, by honoring women, Tantra highlights the female aspect of divinity as integral to the creative/sexual life force. In fact original, authentic Tantra is the worship and cult of the feminine . Tantra is not about separation and limiting life through boundaries. Rather, it is about challenging those boundaries and the accepted social mores.

"Constantly take refuge at my feet, my dear…
Be gracious, beloved, and
Give me pleasure with your diamond scepter.
Look at my three-petaled lotus,
Its center adorned with a stamen.

It is a Buddha paradise, adorned with a red Buddha,
A cosmic mother who bestows
Bliss and tranquility on the passionate.
Abandon all conceptual thought and
Unite with my reclining form;
Place my feet upon your shoulders and look me up and down.
Make the fully awakened scepter
Enter the opening in the center of the lotus.
Move a hundred,thousand,hundred thousand times
In my three-petaled lotus of swollen flesh.
Placing one’s scepter there, offer pleasure to her mind.
Wind, inner wind-my lotus is the unexcelled!
Aroused by the tip of the diamond scepter,
It is red like a bandhuka flower.

...he (man) sees the woman as a goddess
The woman [sees] the man as a god.

By joining the diamond scepter and lotus,
They should make offerings to each other. There is no worship apart from this."


From the book: Renowned Goddess of Desire:Women, Sex, and Speech in Tantra

“Together with a woman, there (he should) reflect (on the mantra or practice); the two of them together in this way (they do) worship. Without a woman, the practitioner cannot perfect (the mantra) at all. he should mentally evoke (the mantra) together with a woman and together with her, he should offer into the sacrificial fire as well. Without her the practitioner cannot perfect (the mantra) at all. Women are gods; women are the life-breath.”
Celestial Musician Tantra

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